When incisions go dark, extra attention is always needed.
It can be a sign of ischemia or lack of blood flow. If ischemia is not addressed, the result will be tissue death, known as necrosis. Necrotic tissue is a common complication of surgery where capillary blood flow is compromised.
For surgical sites, it may be a few days or weeks before soft tissue infection, ischemia and/or necrosis become apparent. Keep a close eye on any incision line that continues to darken to purple and/or black. The area may start dry but may progressively split open and become wet and drain.
You may be at a higher risk for necrosis if:
A large amount of skin was removed
Incisions are under a lot of tension
A high BMI. 30 and over will be at a higher risk for complications. See this free BMI calculator
Having co-morbidities like Diabetes and circulatory issues like PVD, CAD
You are a smoker
What should you do if your incision is turning black?
#1 Contact your doctor. Take a clear picture as they will want to see it.
#2 Keep it clean and dry but avoid harsh drying antispetics and do NOT start adding in ointments. Added moisture may cause the incision to break down and open.
#3 Get all the excessive pressure off! Compression garments can help to improve lymphatic flow and prevent excessive swelling, but avoid an overly tight garment. It's too tight if you have trouble breathing, the incision starts looking darker, or the skin around it looks pale.
#4 Make sure blood sugar is optimized. High blood sugar affects healing skin and blood flow. Your PCP may have resources for you with a diabetic educator to help make sense of blood sugar.
#5 Stop smoking. Smoking causes vasocontraction, which also restricts blood flow. There are tons of resources on Google search Smoking Cessation.
#6 Add an Arginine supplement. Arginine is an amino acid that converts to nitric oxide that helps to open blood vessels and support blood flow. Here is an example to try
Or check out this all-in-one supplement Sulinu Use Code Heather15 for a discount!
#7 Consider trying HBOT. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy treatments. Locations are popping up all over. It is an expensive and time-consuming process, but it may be worth investigating.
Google "HBOT near me" and give them a call
#8 Get moving. You can not heal if blood is not flowing. Light exercise can be key to improving lymphatic and blood flow to support healing. Get out for some sun and fresh air and take a walk. If you are uncertain of how to start check out the home plan that includes nutrition, early movement and a personal video consult where we can customize your plan and advance that healing even further together.
#9 Red Light Therapy or LLLT may help to increase blood flow to the area. You may want to avoid the light right on top of the actual wound itself if it is blistered but around the area may be helpful. LLLT has been shown to increase new blood cell formation and increase immune response. Here is one that I recommended to clients Red Light Belt
You can not heal a wound if blood is not flowing!
If you need support and do not have a wound specialist already, Let's chat!