Booking a Consult / What to expect
Wound specialist virtual consult to help clients with complications and slow wound healing after plastic surgery
Booking a Consult / What to expect
Getting rid of this yellow stuff!
The Importance of Addressing Dark Incisions for Optimal Healing
What wound dressing should you put on your wound?
Healing after Surgery Resources
How to apply ointment to open wounds and incisions
Boosting wound healing is possible at home with stimulation
Caring for your new closed incision
Prevent swelling after surgery
Did you know that Physical Therapists can do wound care?
Holistic adjunctive modality to enhance wound healing
Honey, Hydrogel, Enzyme or Sharp? Do you need a debridement?
Dark Incisions should not be ignored!
Scar Care and when to start
Booking a Consult / What to expect