By now, you may have seen my posts about these beige sticker discs, which I have said can help with pain, inflammation, wound healing, relieve stress, and even boost immunity.
How is that possible without medication or being plugged into some contraption?
The discs I use on myself and in my practice are Amino Neuro Frequency Therapy, created and designed by Dr. Mikel HG Hoff based on his neuromedical training and understanding that frequencies and energy are the basis of everything.
ANF discs are medical devices, adhesive-backed carbonized metal discs that have been embedded with frequency energy that can help the body restore balance naturally.
All body systems depend on frequencies from the nervous system to flow uninterrupted for optimal function. With prolonged pain, inflammation, or exposure to toxins from the environment, the body’s frequencies are disturbed. This break in the system can be minor and we recover quickly, especially if we are fairly healthy and are able to remove the cause for the disturbance. However, it is more likely a history of subpar lifestyle choices or hereditary health issues that make you already compromised so that when any extra stress is put on your systems the result will be injuries, disease or chronic inflammation exacerbating those previously silent underlying issues.
ANF Therapy is a fantastic treatment that can aid the body in finding balance and restoring homeostasis from damage. This therapy can be used to treat acute sports/work injuries, chronic pain, back pain, neck, shoulder, nerve damage, wound healing, immune and lymphatic issues. All the body’s systems rely on energy and frequencies and ANF can support any system. There is a multitude of discs and applications, all depending on your situation. This requires an in-person assessment and treatment. A difference is typically noted within a few minutes; this treatment lasts up to 72 hours. It is an amazing addition to any other treatment because of the lasting effects. Duration of treatments varies depending on initial severity. A new injury or illness will respond faster, and a more chronic issue will take more sessions and likely many more discs during those treatments due to a compounding issue. Anyone with chronic back pain knows that you eventually develop other issues like a funky walk or neck pain . The goal is to eventually restore balance and no longer need regular wearing, although spot treatments can always be beneficial but may be for other issues.
To date I have treated clients using ANF therapy to recover from:
Surgery pain & swelling
Speed wound healing
Back & Neck Pain
Torn muscles
Joint inflammation & pain (shoulders, elbows, knees)
Gut issues like chronic pain, inflammation
The stress and anxiety that typically comes with issues as listed above!
For those seeking out alternative options to maintain or improve health, this frequency therapy may be an option for you. ANF can help your body receive other options you may be experimenting with and help those efforts be absorbed better and faster.
Please check out more information at the website and consider booking a call to discuss your specific issues we can make a plan for your needs. Book Here
There are now home self-care disc packages for standard use.